In Case You Missed It: Star Jones Stops By ‘Sherri’

Today on “SHERRI” – Sherri and the new Divorce Court judge, Star Jones, chatted about their experiences co-hosting “The View” and the advice they gained over the years. They also revealed what they miss most about Barbra Walters. See what she said and a video clip inside…

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In Case You Missed It: Tyra Banks Stops By ‘SHERRI’

Today on “SHERRI,” Daytime Emmy Award-winning talk show host, comedian, actor and best-selling author SHERRI SHEPHERD spoke to the iconic model, TYRA BANKS. While chatting, The Dancing with the Stars host revealed why she needed a name change once she went from supermodel to actress. See what Tyra had to say inside…

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Idina Menzel & Cara Mentzel Stop By Today’s ‘Sherri’

Today on SHERRI, Daytime Emmy Award-winning talk show host, comedian, actor and best-selling author SHERRI SHEPHERD spoke to sisters, Idina Menzel and Cara Mentzel. The three chatted about the challenges of motherhood, the sisters’ new book, “Loud Mouse,” and the challenges of dating. Idina also gushed over Colin Farrell, confirming that he was her “hall […]

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