My interview with The Local Dash

Me and Maryan My friend Maryan is a Pinktastic photographer and blogger, she recently interviewed me and did a photoshoot with me. We had soo much fun and I want to share the interview with you guys and the pictures. Please check out Maryan’s website at Dash Photography and her other site The LocalDash where […]

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Pink Saturday: All things Betsey

Hey there its time for Pink Saturday! Everyone knows I looove Betsey Johnson plus she is a pinky lover so what better idea was it to show her style and pinkness! I’m showing you today Betsey’s condo in NYC plus her lil Betseyville resort home somewhere in Mexico I think. Happy Saturday and shouts out […]

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Crazy Legs

It’s friday you guys and I’m too excited that its the weekend! I wanted you to smile today, so I thought to share with you some funny pictures of leg wear. This reminds me of my catholic school days and wearing those dreadful gray and burgundy uniforms. Me and my friends fixed them though by […]

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Monica’s new video “Love all over me”

Singer Monica and my friend premiered her new video today and all I can say is wow! She looked gorgeous and the wardrobe was fantastic! I dont know if my friend Shun Nelson styled her but if she did, she did a phenominal job! I loved the colors and plus Monica has always been a […]

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The Americas Mart gift show: Lifeguard Press

The Americas Mart is soo much fun and while there, I stopped in one of my fav places. It’s called Lifeguard Press. They have licenses to carry Lilly Pulitzer,Susan Branch, Jonathan Adler and they just picked up an account with Dylan’s Candy Bar. Their permanent showroom is so much fun and full of pink and […]

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Americas Mart Gift Show ATL: The Sugar Diva

Owner Dianne and I As you already know I was at the gift show at Americas Mart yesterday in downtown Atlanta. While there, we made several stops to different showrooms and vendors. I spotted another fun place guys! The Sugar Diva was a fun place to visit!  They caught my eye with their fun, bright,vibrant colors. […]

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Pinky review: Screen wipe by Aroma Home

Today I received the cutest product in the mail lol. It was screen wipes by Aroma Home. When I opened the package, I thought it was a cute stuffed animal to sit on my desk,then I looked closer and it read screen wipe. The way its packaged is so cute, I had no idea thats […]

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