Recap: ATL & Co Holiday Fashion & Beauty Show

Christine, Nyssa, Michael, Me, Trina, Elizabeth, Morgan Hello my lovelies, its Thursday and one more day till the weekend. My kids get out for holiday break tomorrow so you guys say a prayer for me lol. Yesterday I headed to NBC Studios to do a holiday fashion and beauty tv segment on Atl & Co […]

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What To Wear: Ohio State vs Alabama Football Game

Hey guys how are you this fine hump day? I get a lot of emails asking me fashion questions and last night I got one from loyal reader, Fergie! She is headed to a college football game and had a fashion question as to what to wear? I put a couple of fashion collages together […]

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Currently Obsessed With: Chic & Curvy Janna Gown

This beauty just arrived at my doorstep just now and I will be wearing it on air tomorrow for a Holiday Fashion Segment on ATL & Co. and can’t wait. When I saw this hit Chic and Curvy’s website, I had to have it! It’s a custom piece that they’ve designed and 10% of the proceeds […]

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TWT TEA: Sorority Sisters Premieres, All Hell Breaks Loose!

Adrene Ashford and I out at a event a few days ago Well, Well, Well! The verdict is in and last night Vh1 premiered the most controversial reality show finally titled, Sorority Sisters. EVERYBODY and their cousins tweeted that they were boycotting all these sponsors and yada yada ya, but guess what you guys, you […]

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Naomi Campbell For Agent Provocateur

Take a glimpse of Agent Provocateur new ad campaign, starring Naomi Campbell ! Shot by Ellen von Unwerth official. Welp, I just threw my white chocolate covered Reeses cup in the garbage, lawd help me! Naomi is giving these youngens a run for their money, I tell yah. Werk Naomi girl! I hope I get […]

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