Go-Girl Sarah Dillon!

Founder Sarah Dillon

TalkingWithTami: There are always wonderful products coming out. What made you launch Go Girl?

Not many years ago, I was introduced to GoGirl thorugh its inventor, a Minnesota physician.  I instantly decided to come on board as President and Founder of GoGirl because I saw how GoGirl could help so many women. I was a believer and I knew that women with active lifestyles, military women, women with healthcare issues and many more would agree! Plain and simple- I came on board because I wanted to bring this to all women!


TalkingWithTami: I always wait till I get home to use the bathroom,public restrooms freak me out! Tell us how one would use your product Go Girl?

It’s easy to use, whether you are using it in a dirty public restroom or out where there are no bathrooms at all.  Simply adjust your clothing to your comfort level,  put it in place to form a complete seal and well,… go. 🙂 When finished, place it in the storage bag that comes with each GoGirl.  Because it’s a flexible medical grade silicone, it easily folds flat and small.  Wash with soap and water at your convenience and use again and again.  I encourage women to practice using it at home (in the shower is a great place that first time!), before venturing off.  You’ll quickly learn your technique!


TalkingWithTami: When you pitched GoGirl to potential investors,what was the response?

The Investor was and still is the Minnesota physician who invented this product 20-some years ago.  Yes, this was a man!

TalkingWithTami: How did you deal with the naysayers,when first starting your product?

Occasionally I still come across a “naysayers”.  However, those who first scrunch their noses quickly change their tune after I point out all the reason why women could use this.  ALL women have had to, at one time, squat, and hover, and have thought…”this is very unfair”.  Whether it’s outside, off a trail or over a nasty potta-potty, we’ve all done it, and unfortunately it also requires dropping the pants to the ground and baring all.  Most women change their opinions after being reminded of what we go through.

TalkingWithTami: Where would you like to see your product sold?

I would love to see GoGirl everywhere!  Not only in outdoor/camping stores, but travel and sport related stores, vending machines at truck stops and gas stations, healthcare facilities as well as be available to all of our female soldiers overseas.  Possibilities are endless.

TalkingWithTami:  In one word describe your “personality” and tell us why you chose that word?


One word: “spirited”.    I enjoy an active, edgy and exciting life with great determination.


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