It’s always good to just sit back and relax and spend quality time with your family! My grandson Boogy Bear and I get to hang out a few times a week and it brings me so much joy! He is the funniest guy I know and has a great sense of humor already lol. Although he still can’t talk clearing he expresses his self in many ways and makes lots of gestures to me with what he wants and more. One thing he really likes is handing me my shoes and heading outdoors.
He can be outside for hours on end, not really doing much but just enjoying nature, meeting new people and exploring. We do a nature walk and he points out bugs, birds, dogs, cats and whatever else he can see. He is such a spirit and I’m so grateful that Legend is in my life! Enjoy more pictures inside and have a great weekend, this is definitely a Feel Good Friday post!
Happy family time! Your son is so cute!
NOT my son this is my grandson lol