I got really excited when a box was delivered to my door and inside was a pretty Gucci handbag that I have been eyeing for quite awhile! It was from Bag Borrow or Steal. Gucci has been doing extremely well with their current designer and they have really put Gucci on the map! I have always loved the brand and their accessory line is something to see! This new Sylvie leather maxi top handle bag is all the rage and every celebrity, fashion blogger and lovers of Gucci is carrying these latest handbags.
I really love the shape and style but if I had one complaint about it, the strap is a bit short if you wanted to carry it like a cross body. It kinda gets annoying to always carry it with the top handle but other than that it was very spacious, sturdy and well crafted. I love that you can dress it up or down and tote it around to the store or out with girlfriends for dinner. This Gucci handbag retails for $4,500 and if you don’t want to break the bank, you can always rent it from Bag Borrow or Steal for $250 a month, what a bargain!
This bag is very nice.
Yes so cute!