Walt Disney Animation Studios shared a new trailer and poster this morning showcasing its upcoming feature film “Encanto.” The film tells the tale of the Madrigals, an extraordinary family who live in a wondrous, charmed place called an Encanto. Each child has been blessed with a magic gift unique to them—each child except Mirabel. But […]

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New Series: Welcome To Earth With Will Smith

Today, Disney+ revealed the first official trailer for the six-part original series “Welcome to Earth,” streaming this December. The visually stunning Disney+ series, from National Geographic, follows two-time Academy Award® nominee Will Smith on an extraordinary, once-in-a-lifetime adventure around the world to explore Earth’s greatest wonders and reveal its most hidden secrets. Will Smith debuted […]

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New Movie: Muppets Haunted Mansion On Disney+

Today, Disney+ released the trailer for The Muppets’ first-ever Halloween special “Muppets Haunted Mansion,” which premieres Friday, October 8, exclusively on Disney+. Starring in the special alongside fan-favorite Muppets, are Will Arnett (as The Ghost Host), Yvette Nicole Brown (as The Hearse Driver), Darren Criss (as The Caretaker), and Taraji P. Henson (as The Bride). In “Muppets Haunted Mansion” […]

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‘The Proud Family’ Features Star-Studded Cast, Lizzo, Tiffany Haddish, Chance The Rapper

“The Proud Family: Louder and Prouder” will bring high-voltage star power when the eagerly-awaited revival of the groundbreaking hit animated series, “The Proud Family,” now celebrating its 20th anniversary, launches in 2022 on Disney+. The guest-starring voice cast will feature some of music and entertainment’s biggest names, including Lizzo; Lil Nas X; Chance the Rapper; Normani; […]

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Winnie The Pooh House/Airbnb In London

I have some beary special news! Winnie the Pooh’s house in the Hundred Acre Wood is available to book on Airbnb as part of Disney’s 95th Anniversary celebrations of the loveable children’s character.  Hosting the Airbnb stay is Disney-appointed Winnie the Pooh illustrator, Kim Raymond, who curated the house and has been drawing the iconic bear […]

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New Movie: Marvel Studios Hawkeye Starring Jeremey Renner

Disney+ and Marvel Studios invite you on an unexpected holiday getaway, unwrapping the official trailer and teaser poster for “Hawkeye,” a new series set in post-blip New York City. Former Avenger Clint Barton has a seemingly simple mission: get back to his family for Christmas. Possible? Maybe with the help of Kate Bishop, a 22-year-old […]

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