Family day with kiddies!

Peanut Butters eeeww! Sunday my kids begged and begged me to do something with them for family day. I said, ok what do you want to do? They decided they wanted to go rollerskating lol. I was laughing so hard because I remember when I use to live for rollerskating in the 80’s. We have […]

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Pink shuts down Grammys

I thought that Pink did an amazing job at the grammys and to be able to sing mid air takes alot of whind while spinning around. I was dizzy watching her and give her a lot of credit for coming up with such a theatrical performance. Did you guys know she got her start right […]

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The many looks of Lady Gaga at the Grammys

Armani Ice princess gown You know that I could not leave my girl Lady GaGa out of my post today lol. She always delivers and that gives me something to write about. I love her style and only Lady Gaga can pull this off lol. Last night at the Grammys I counted 4 wardrobe changes […]

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Grammys and the Red Carpet recap

I had a ball watching the 52nd Annual Grammy Awards last night. It was held at the Staples Center in Los Angeles. Without my twitter friends I don’t know if I would have been able to sit through it but I managed lol. I thought that Beyonce did just ok but I really wish she […]

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Miss America 2009 Caressa Cameron

Miss America 2009! Congrats are in order for the beautiful new Miss America Caressa Cameron! Woot! I caught the tail end of the pageant on TLC but saw enough to see her do her talent competition and take the crown. Usually Im in Las Vegas at the Miss America pageant but I didn’t make it […]

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Chics view Flicks recap!

Chics View Flicks crew lol Last friday me and some fellow movie lovers headed out to see the new flick, When In Rome. We thought this movie was the cutest thing. Everyone enjoyed it and the story line was cute. Kristen Bell did a great job along with her hunky co star Josh Duhamel . […]

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Park 75 plus a lil bit more

I was invited out to review the beautiful Park 75 the other night. This was my second visit to the Four Seasons hotel in a week. Park 75 is a swanky lounge area outside of their restaurant. They have live music, drinks and great bites. I brought my hubby along because he loves jazz music […]

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