Queen of Hearts Antique & Interiors

Queen of Hearts Antiques & Interiors Rows of goodies lol As you guys already know,I love to thrift shop and antique shop. My style is pretty eclectic so I’m all over the place. When my house was made over on HGTV’s Deserving Design that really was not my style but great for tv lol. Vern […]

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Madame CJ Walker a great entrepreneur!

Madame CJ Walker I am highlighting great african american business women since its Black History Month! I wanted to pay homage to some wonderful ladies that made a difference in my life that have either passed on or that are still alive!  First up is Madame CJ Walker! From Madame CJ Walker’s site: Born Sarah […]

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My Top Romantic movies

It’s February and I love Valentine’s Day! I wanted to share with you some of my all time favorite romantic movies. Most of these movies that I love, came out in the 80’s but I’m sure they are available on dvd or you can rent them. When I tell yah these are some good movies […]

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Love is in the Air!

Hey there you guys! Don’t know if you know but Valentine’s Day is my favorite holiday. It beats out Christmas, New Years and even my own birthday! I will be putting up a pretty Valentine’s Day picture every day till it arrives enjoy!

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Family day with kiddies!

Peanut Butters eeeww! Sunday my kids begged and begged me to do something with them for family day. I said, ok what do you want to do? They decided they wanted to go rollerskating lol. I was laughing so hard because I remember when I use to live for rollerskating in the 80’s. We have […]

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Pink shuts down Grammys

I thought that Pink did an amazing job at the grammys and to be able to sing mid air takes alot of whind while spinning around. I was dizzy watching her and give her a lot of credit for coming up with such a theatrical performance. Did you guys know she got her start right […]

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