Domestic Beauty

Love these editorial pics and the models hair if fab! We also cant leave out the shoes! I love every single outfit.This was shot sometime last year but the clothes and everything else is classic! I thought to share some of these fab fashions with you! Enjoy and happy tuesday! Pics by Sofia Sanchez & Mauro […]

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Cats coming to Fox Theatre in Atlanta!

I just got word that Cats the Broadway Musical, is coming to Fox theatre  in Atlanta this week! I love that play! I have read about it and heard it was great from other friends and family! I can’t wait to see it! CATS will play the Fabulous Fox Theatre in Atlanta from August 4-8, […]

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Talking with Tami in comic strip!

Aaron the Artist I had the pleasure of meeting cartoonist Aaron the Artist last week at a media event. I was too excited to meet him as we both doodled on pink index cards. He told me that he attended the Westwood College for animation and that he does a lot of freelance work. He […]

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Congrats to Chelsea & Marc

Congrats goes out to the Clinton Family! Chelsea Clinton looked amazing in her Vera Wang gown and she looked so happy on her day! Marc Mezvinsky looks like a stand up guy and I wish the couple many years of happiness together. I met Bill Clinton a couple of years ago at Hank Aaron’s 75th […]

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Yeah! Burger

Yeah! Burger crowd Are you looking for a place to eat that cares about your health and well being? Well then you need to head on over to Yeah! Burger. My assistant Pia and I was literally trying to duck the rain the other afternoon in the midtown part of Atlanta. We were hungry and […]

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Getting to know you

It’s Sunday and that means its time for Getting to know you! Thanks to Mannland5 for this weeks questions! The Q’s.. 1. If you were to win an award today, what would it be for? The Best Frugal Shopper Award. I love to shop and do a great job saving money! 2. What is your […]

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