Cars and Lifestyle: 2011 Ford Fiesta

2011 Ford Fiesta

I was recently interviewing someone about how they design cars and what they think of when doing so. He told me that a lot of times they go by the trends and whats in style. They sometimes think of things from the past and make it new again. When he told me that I thought to myself, yes that true because when I the came to drop off the Ford Fiesta to my house, the first thing that came to mind was my college years. I dont know why but it did. I had a small vehicle in school and we would cram in and hit the rollerskating rink,shopping and all the college parties. The color of the 2010 Ford Fiesta that I drove was called, blue flame metallic. Our university colors were blue and gold, maybe thats why It brought back so many memories. All the football and basketball games were so fun!  Here is some things that I thought about when I test drove the car. Happy Thursday!

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