100 Female Entrepreneurs At The State Capitol!

100 women

Good day everyone, its Friday can you believe it? Yesterday morning I had the opportunity to attend the 100 Female Entrepreneurs at the Georgia State Capitol to celebrate International Women’s Entrepreneur’s Day! It was so inspiring to see so many business women in one setting! I was asked to speak about the digital age, my start in blogging and why I launched Talking With Tami. I spoke about my past, things that I have accomplished over the years and so much more! We gathered over 150 women on the steps of the State Capitol and to be there was so moving and powerful! Ladies of all walks of life shared their stories and we also heard from a few State Representatives, it was truly a “girl power” sorta day lol. Check out a few images from the event inside and maybe next year you will be able to attend this memorable event…

100 women

Guest, Nicole Garner(beige coat) Eugenia and I

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Carla Stephens(Mother Funders) and new friend

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100 women

100 women

Ladies Who Brunch Founders

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Me speaking to the ladies

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100 Female Entrepreneurs is a business league for females in entrepreneurship offering a unique platform for women to share entrepreneurial resources and experiences while being connected to a global network of go-getters. Our mission is to educate, engage and empower female entrepreneurs in a carefully curated community both online and in a physical space. We connect mentors with mentees, provide educational tracks to ensure our members are continuously enhancing their business value, help members develop a higher level of purpose and provide actionable assets for advancing to the next level. All while making lifelong relationships along the way.

For more info please visit: 100femaleentrepreneurs.com

Images by Genae Banks Photography


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